Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tools for Adding Questions and Notes to Videos

Annotate the clips you use.
"Short videos from YouTube and other sources can be quite helpful in introducing topics to students and or reinforcing concepts that you have taught. Watching the video can be enough for some students, it's better if we can call students' attention to specific sections of videos while they are watching them. The following tools allow you to add comments and questions to videos that you share with your students...."


Monday, September 21, 2015

Shelving Game - iPad friendly too!

Shelving practice made easy
Use Mrs Lodge's Shelver game to put books in call number order.
"You have a choice of 3 levels. Click on a book with your mouse (or your finger on a touch device) and drag it into the correct order. When you think your books are in the correct order, click the Check My Shelf button at the top of the screen to see if you are right."


Friday, September 18, 2015

Using 30hands - some links

Planning to use 30Hands sometime soon?
Here are some links I've come across that might help jump-start a project you are working on, or give you some ideas for integrating this easy-to-use app.

Quick tutorial for students

A powerful storytelling tool - some ideas to try.

Using Pic Collage and 30hands in Primary ...
A Pre-K classroom uses Pic Collage and 30hands. (Both apps are free to use on the IPad.)


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Padlet app - take a look

Padlet is now an app
The online web tool Padlet, is now available as an app. With the Padlet app you can post sticky notes (including text, images, movies and links to websites) onto a wall/page. Notes can be re-arranged in any order. Login to your account and you can sync online "walls" to work on the iPad.

(Thanks for the tip, CL)
