As I was reading Chapter three of the Instructional Design text, it struck me that this process (ie. analyzing the learning context) is what teacher-librarians are exhorted to do as an element of the CPPT (Cooperative Program Planning and Teaching) part of their job.
When teachers come to the library to plan a unit or "flesh out" an existing project with the TL, the librarian often uses some kind of planning form that covers very nicely the "Before" "During" and "After" recommendations listed at the end of the chapter. p 52 (See link for a sample TL form here. PDF)
Instructional Designers come in many shapes and disguises! Interesting to think that this might be a "trendy title" that teacher-librarians should add to their resume! (See Blended Librarians link. ) Although this link points to an academic librarian context, I think it fits perfectly with what high school librarians need to be doing... and many already are.